郑涛波律师楼 发表于 2023-09-15 15:286 J. l% Q5 S/ i1 k1 k
太长了,但有一点告诉你:找旅行社做的案子,出了问题基本上都得你自己兜着了,因为他们没在你申请材料里留任何名字,或者旧留个假名字,你说他们骗了你,法院看来根本没有这个旅行社的存在,就是你自己DIY做坏的,怪不了别人。所以身份的时候还是要找正规律师做 , O3 ?; z- q, T( V
/ r! O0 z1 h0 v. B5 ~; M! R. k所以要找出当初旅行社找的那个律师$ G4 | s6 b) u8 \8 O* O. G& i
' o O/ |. X" L4 o2 l4 D, C08年的时候柯律师就要去告旅行社请的律师
# a- b% i: X8 y- w& U2 B7 f5 z$ V现在bia法官给出的判决是08年柯律师没有做
' G; f% G& b3 _% Y. ?. E% [5 a$ G" X
2 O8 e7 }8 k3 c+ b ?7 o" [claim of ineffective assistance of counsel ,7 L+ D8 L) J! w/ m7 O
2021年也没有做。7 l* ]( [& @! c3 l) R
. The respondent has not explained why he did not raise these allegations in his 2008 motion, nor has he perfected a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel against former counsel who filed the motion and who was with the same law firm that is currently representing him.
5 t$ Q! z0 e1 R- P所以这个告律师协助无效是BIA说的我为什么没有做?
d# [/ j' _* t2 f: N% E; D9 P如果做的话就是ke律师自己告自己➕上告旅行社的律师。
7 s4 T% D2 R2 W7 }是不是这样子?